WARNING: If you do not have an ID or Driver's License, then we cannot purchase your vehicle for any reason. It is against the Florida law for a licensed salvage dealer to buy any vehicle without a copy of your ID or DL.
Junk or used car removal takes just a few simple steps, and once our driver arrives, the process and paperwork takes around 10 minutes.
If you are unsure of the make or model, the title or registration will tell you the make, the model name should be on the rear part of the vehicle, or we can run the VIN number for quick and valid verification.
When you are ready to sell your used car to Junk Cars FL, start by caling our main Orlando location at 1-888-331-0303 or by emailing Mr. Bruce Mint at junkcarsfl@gmail.com. Feel free to discuss prices that you may have in mind and we will definitley take them into consideration when delivering your free cash quote.